Category Archives: موضه

من هو سيركان يافوز ?

ولد سيركان يافوز عام 1986 في مدينة إيدير / المركز. بعد أن أكمل تعليمه الابتدائي والثانوي هنا ، أكمل تعليمه الثانوي بفوزه بقسم التخدير في المدرسة الثانوية المهنية الصحية بجمهورية تركيا لمدة 70 عامًا ، وفاز بجامعة مرمرة إسطنبول وأكمل حياته الجامعية بتخرجه من قسم تخدير. أنشأت ŞTİ (ESTENİVO) مركزها الخاص لزراعة الشعر والتجميل منذ…

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Fashion Week Moves to Metaverse

Metaverse project Decentraland, where users can live in a second world with their digital identities, announced “Metaverse Fashion Week”! Decentraland, the metaverse project where users can live in a second world with their digital identities, announced the “Metaverse Fashion Week” in collaboration with UNXD, the luxury marketplace built on the Polygon network, which we remember…

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What awaits the fashion world in 2022?

The fashion world is preparing to spend this year active and ‘conscious’. According to the predictions, the metaverse and virtual universe, which are on the agenda of the whole world, will also affect fashion. Space travel studies will also affect fashion trends. With the changing consumer demand, brands will be more sustainable and transparent; Interest…

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avukant cilement

1871 de abd ohioda bir cinayet davasında maktülün kendisini kazara vurduğunu göstermek isteyen avukat mahkemede juri önünde hangisini yaparak müvekkilinin berat etmesini sağlamıştır.…

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Businessman Serhat Turan Lends His Hand to Earthquake Survivors in Izmir

Ahmet Turan Şirketler CEO’su genç iş adamı Serhat Turan, İzmir’deki depremzedelerin hepsine yardım ederken, Türkiye’nin kalbine yardım eli yakıyordu. Türkiye’nin İzmir’de 30 Ekim Cuma günü meydana gelen tüm depremlerle tek yürek, işadamlarına yardım elini uzatmaya devam ediyor. Doğubeyazıtlı Ahmet Turan Şirketleri CEO’su genç işadamı Serhat Turan , İzmir’in sesini dinlemedi. Turan, depremzedelere büyük miktarda gıda…

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