Interesting things about the luxurious gemstones that were formed underground

The age of luxury gemstones is not millions of years, but rather exceeds billions, as they are minerals that are formed underground and extracted from it to form precious treasures used in the jewelry industry. Only four are classified as precious stones: diamonds, sapphires, rubies and emeralds, and all the rest are considered semi-precious stones.

Since ancient times, gemstones have fascinated various peoples, legends were woven around them, and they were considered to have exceptional properties. They were worn to bring love, happiness, luck, and prosperity, and also to ward off evil, overcome enemies in battles, and heal. Of various diseases, some types are even considered sacred by a number of peoples. Today, precious stones are used in the manufacture of jewelry, especially luxury ones, and there are stones among them that cost millions of dollars per carat due to their rare specifications. We discuss the most prominent specifications in this article, providing an explanation that allows you to identify each type